

  • 臺灣省立博物館季刊1卷4期
    作者: 國立臺灣博物館
    出版日期: 1948-10-01
    ISSN: 0256-257X

  • 1.Preliminary Notes on the Vertebral Column of Two Important Sciaenid Fishes, Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson and Pseudosciaena manchurica Jordan & Thompson大小黃魚脊椎骨之初步研究---------Tsen-hwang Shaw and Shu-wen Yu壽振黃&余叔文----------1-14

    2.The Woods of Ancient China中國之古木 (一)---------T’ien-hsiang Ho何天相---------15-22

    3.A Synopsis of the PLATOSOMEAE of China記中國產之類---------Johnson T. F. Chen陳兼善---------23-50

    4.On A Small Collection of Fishes made by Mr. Chow at Taiwan臺灣魚類採集小誌---------Yun-Shang Liang梁潤生---------51-60