

  • 臺灣省立博物館季刊13卷1&2期
    作者: 國立臺灣博物館
    出版日期: 1960-06-01
    ISSN: 0256-257X

  • 1.Materials toward a Monograph of the Genus Smilax菝屬植物紀要----------Tetsuo Koyama小山鐵夫----------1-61

    2.New additions to the Flora of Taiwan (1)紀臺灣之新植物(一)----------Tang-shui liu & Tsan-iang Chuang劉棠瑞&莊燦暘---------- 63-65

    3.Bregmaceros lanceolatus and Bregmaceros pescadorus,two new species of Dwarf Fishes from Southern Taiwan And Pescadore Islands臺灣海鰗鰍屬魚類兩新種----------Shih-chieh Shen沈世傑----------67-74

    4.Studies on Ribbon Fish (Trichiurus) and their Juveniles臺灣帶魚及其幼魚之研究----------Yin Yian尹 燕----------75-81

    5.Additions to the Apodal Ichthyfauna of Taiwan (Formosa)臺灣產無肢目類補誌----------L. K. Li李盧嘏----------83-89