

  • 臺灣省立博物館季刊20卷3&4期
    作者: 國立臺灣博物館
    出版日期: 1967-12-01
    ISSN: 0256-257X

  • 1.The Compositae of China (Ⅵ)中華菊科植物集覽 (六)----------Shiu-ying Hu胡秀英----------283-339

    2.A Catalog of World Fishes (Ⅶ)世界魚類名錄 (七)----------Henry W.FowlerHenry W.Fowler----------341-366

    3.Fruits of Canarium Album(Lour) Raeusch,---Source of little Known Foods and Medicines of the Chinese白欖之果實----為中國不常見之食物與醫藥資源----------A.I. BaranovA.I. Baranov----------367-374

    4.New Additions to the Flora of Taiwan(Ⅱ)臺灣之新植物----------Tang-shui Liu, Tsai-yeong Yang劉棠瑞&楊彩勇----------375-381

    5.Serica IT:Supplement to the millipedes and the Centipedes of Malay Archipelago and South Sea Islands,Singapore,Sarawak and Sumatra馬來、新加坡、沙勞越、蘇門答臘之馬陸與蜈蚣補誌----------Yu-hsi Moltze Wang王友燮----------383-390

    6.Serica IU:Records on Millipedes and Centipedes From Brunei And From The Phillippines汶萊及菲律賓之百腳與蜈蚣----------Yu-hsi Moltze Wang 王友燮----------391-392

    7.Serica IV:Millipedes and Centipedes From Bukit Timah,Singapore And From Cameron Highlands,Malaysia新加坡及金馬崙高原泥土中之馬陸與蜈蚣----------Yu-hsi Moltze Wang 王友燮----------393-398