

  • 臺灣省立博物館季刊18卷3&4期
    作者: 國立臺灣博物館
    出版日期: 1965-12-01
    ISSN: 0256-257X

  • 1.The Compositae of China (Ⅱ)中華菊科植物集覽(二)----------Shiu-Ying Hu胡秀英----------233-333

    2.biography of Robert Swinhoe (1836-1877)Y. Takahashi––Robert Swinhoe 先生傳----------Y. TakahashiY. Takahashi----------335-339

    3.A Catalog of World Fishes(Ⅲ)世界魚類名錄(三)----------Henry W.FowlerHenry W.Fowler----------341-397

    4.Serica IR:The Millipedes of Malay Archipelago and South Sea Islands:Singapore,Sarawak and Sumatra馬來,新嘉坡,沙勞越及蘇門答臘之馬陸----------Yu-hsi Moltze Wang & Ming Ching Tang王友燮&鄧銘正----------399-441

    5.Serica IS:The Centipedes of Malay Archipelago and South Sea Islands:Singapore,Sarawak and Sumatra馬來,新嘉坡,沙勞越及蘇門答臘之蜈蚣----------Yu-hsi Moltze Wang & Ming Ching Tang王友燮&鄧銘正----------443-452

    6.The Morphology of the Genitalia and Associated Abdominal Segments of Monochamus carolinensis (Olivier)(Coleoptera:Cerarnbycidae)加洛林長角天牛外性器及相關腹節之形態研究----------Shu Chen Chang張書忱----------453-470

    7.What is Allium Macrostemon From North Manchuria, China?紀中國東北之粗蕊蔥----------A.I. Baranov and B. V. SkvortzovA.I. Baranov and B. V. Skvortzov----------471-476

    8.How to Grow Straw Mushrooms怎樣栽培草菇----------S.T. Chang張樹庭----------477-487