

  • 臺灣省立博物館季刊30卷3&4期
    作者: 國立臺灣博物館
    出版日期: 1977-12-01
    ISSN: 0256-257X

  • 1.A List of the Pteridophytes Found in the Yangmingshan Area in Northern Taiwan, With a Note on their Phytogeography 台灣北部陽明山區之蕨類及其植物地理----------Liew Fah Seong劉華祥----------231-251

    2.The Genus Abies (XIV)紀全球之冷杉 (十四)----------Tang-shui Liu劉棠瑞----------253-321

    3.Microhyla heymonsi Vogt(Anura:Microhylidae)A Valid Species from Taiwan台灣產希蒙史氏小雨蛙之一種----------Shing-kwong Chan陳承光----------323-328

    4.Rana narina swinhoana Boulenger (Anura:Ranidae) from Taiwan台灣產史文豪氏尖鼻赤蛙----------Chin-shiang Wang & Shing-kwong Chan 王慶讓&陳承光----------329-339

    5.Note on the Juvenile of the Taiwanese True Viper (Vipera Russellii Formosensis Maki)台灣鎖蛇幼體一記----------Shing-kwong Chan陳承光----------341-343

    6.A Catalogue of the Family Drosophilidae in Taiwan (Diptera)台灣果蠅科昆蟲目錄----------Fei-Jann Lin, Ho-Chi Tseng & Wen-Yung Lee林飛棧、曾和枝、李文蓉----------345-372