

  • 臺灣省立博物館半年刊51卷2期
    作者: 國立臺灣博物館
    出版日期: 1998-12-01
    ISSN: 0256-257X

  • 1.Species richness patterns and research trend of flying squirrel飛鼠之種類多樣性與研究文獻趨勢探討----------Pei-Fen Lee & Chien-Yu Liao李培芬&廖倩瑜----------1-20

    2.The stenodemini (Hemiptera:miridai)of Taiwan臺灣產狹盲椿族(半翅目:盲椿科)----------Cheng-Shing Lin 林政行----------21-32

    3.A revision of the genus Culicoides in taiwan Part III. Subgenera Culicoides latreille 1809, haemophoructus macfie 1925,and monoculicoides Khalaf 1954 (Diptera,Ceratopogonidae)臺灣庫蠓屬之分類修訂研究第三篇 庫蠓亞屬、通室亞屬及單囊亞屬(雙翅目:蠓科)----------Jih-Ching Lien & Chang-Chi Lin & Ming Hui Weng連日清&林昌棋&翁明輝----------33-70

    4.A newly recorded land crab, Epigrapsus notatus (Heller,1865) (Crustacea:Decapoda:Brachyura:Gecarcinidae)from Taiwan臺灣產地蟹科之新記錄種Epigrapsus notatus (Heller,1865)(甲殼綱:十足目)----------Peter K.L. Ng & H.-C.Liu & C.-H.Wang 黃麟&劉烘昌&王嘉祥----------71-82

    5.Amphiesma optatum (Hu & Djao,1966)Serpentes,Colubridae):an addition to the snake fauna of Vietnam, with a list of the species of the genus Amphiesma and a note on its type species越南的新記錄種蛇類:麗紋游蛇Amphiesma optatum (Hu&Djao,1966)----------Patrick David & Gernot Vogel & Olivier Pauwels Patrick David & Gernot Vogel & Olivier Pauwels----------83-92

    6.A review of the genus Myrmeleonostenus(Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae:Mesostenini) with description of two new species from Taiwan蟻蛉姬蜂屬之評論(膜翅目:姬蜂科:裂跗姬蜂族)附臺灣產二新種之描述----------Charles C. porter Charles C. Porter----------93-106

    7.Ontogenies of two Middle Cambrian Trilobites from the Great Basin of the westerm United States美國西部大盆地地方產中部寒武紀二種三葉蟲的個體發生----------Chung-Hung Hu 胡忠恆----------107-118

    8.Territorial and sexual behaviors in Ilyoplax formosensis and I. tansuiensis (Crustacea, Brachyura, Ocypodidae)臺灣泥蟹和淡水泥蟹的領域行為及性行為(甲殼綱:短尾類:沙蟹科)----------Keiji Wada & Chia-Hsiang Wang和田惠次&王嘉祥----------119-125