

  • 臺灣省立博物館季刊32卷3&4期
    作者: 國立臺灣博物館
    出版日期: 1979-12-01
    ISSN: 0256-257X

  • 1.A preliminary study of the Taiwan Macaque (Macaca cyclopis)臺灣彌猴之初步研究----------Frank E. Poirier & D.Michael DavidsonFrank E. Poirier & D.Michael Davidson----------123-192

    2.The Leeches (Annelida:Hirudinea) of Taiwan. Part 1. Introduction and descriptions of two hirudinid species臺灣之蛭類(I)----------Shi-kuei Wu吳錫圭----------193-203

    3.Egg development and early larval rearing of red grouper(Epinephelus akaara Temminck& Schlegel)紅石斑魚卵之發育及其稚魚飼養之研究----------Wen-young Tseng & Sheck-Kwong Ho曾文陽&何錫光 ----------209-220

    4.Comparative anatomy of the species of Phyllocladus (Coniferae), a Preliminary study偽竹柏屬 (松柏類) 各種比較解剖之初步研究----------Ro-siu Ling Keng耿林若秀----------221-306

    5.Miscellaneous notes on the native and introduced woody plants of Taiwan (III)台灣自生與引種之木本植物雜紀 (III)----------Tang-shui Liu & Jih-ching Liao劉棠瑞&廖日京----------307-312

    6.Adddenda to the flora of Taiwan (I)臺灣植物誌補遺 (I)----------Tang-shui Liu & Ming-Jou Lai劉棠瑞&賴明洲----------313-316